Fire Lights Festival




Thursday 9AM to 12AM
Friday 9AM to 12AM 
Saturday  9AM to 12AM
Sunday 9AM to 12AM

Where are the closest airports to the campground?

FIRE LIGHTS FESTIVAL is located less than 25 miles from the Erie airport, and less than 90 miles from Cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh airports. The festival grounds are located around 4 hours from the Detroit, Columbus, and Toronto airports.

What are the policies surrounding bringing my service animal?

FIRE LIGHTS FESTIVAL welcomes and supports the rights and attendance of all persons with disabilities that rely on the special skills of a trained service animal. Other pets must be left at home or at a nearby kennel.

Do you have to camp to attend FIRE LIGHTS FESTIVAL?

Camping is not required, but all GA passes include free camping. Whether you camp or not is up to you. We recommend it as it enhances the festival experience.

What is some of the camping gear that is recommended for this experience? 

  • See CAMPING page

When can you arrive at FIRE LIGHTS FESTIVAL? 

GA 3-Day Wristbands gain access to the Campgrounds on Friday 08/22 at 9AM.

Early Arrival grants access at 11AM Thursday, 08/21.

The GA Campgrounds close at 12 Noon EST on Monday.

Will there be food inside of the camping and venue areas? 

Fire Lights Festival will have various food trucks attending the event.

Will there be water stations inside of the camping and venue areas? 

Fire Lights Festival will provide water station’s within the camping and venue areas. 

Water stations will be located on the festival map.

Is there a GENERAL store in case you forget some essential camping items? 

Yes, there will be a GENERAL store for items such as water, ice, and other items you may have forgotten.

How much space is there per campsite? 

Car Camping spots are approximately 20′ by 20′ this area includes the size of your camping space, as well as the space for parking for your car in your camp.

How will you receive your GA Festival pass? 

We will be providing attendees with wristbands at the event.

As our team parks your vehicle we will be scanning your QR code that was emailed to you. Please check your email for your unique scannable bar code. Once the code is scanned or purchase is made on site you will receive your wristband.

Is re-entry allowed?


Alcohol Policy

You must be 21+ to consume alcohol. If security judges anyone to be intoxicated driving a vehicle or alcohol is open in the vehicle. Then the organizers reserve the right to confiscate the alcohol. Kegs, glass, liquor,. Vending of alcohol is not permitted.


Medical Prescriptions must be in their original bottle with a label attached. Your ID must match the name on the label. Medical prescriptions can be declared by festival attendees.


 Children age 12 and under are admitted free of charge with the presence of a legal guardian or parent with an official wristband.


There will be a variety of food/drink vendors, as well as a general store at Fire Lights. No unauthorized vending is allowed, you must complete an application and be accepted in order to vend.


  • Fireworks, flying prayer lanterns, or explosives
  • Glass (Handheld mirrors are an exception)
  • Drones
  • Laser pointers
  • Illegal substances
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Threatening signs or apparel*


TENT CAMPING – If you plan to camp WITH your vehicle or small RV, you will also need to purchase a Vehicle Camping Sticker. Parking in the Red Lot & tent camping in the woods WITHOUT a vehicle is an option with no charge.

CAR CAMPING (Orange, &  Green Lots) – Vehicle camping spaces are 20′ x 20′. One sticker is required for each space and is good for the duration of your stay.  If your rig is longer than 20′, or can’t be unhooked to fit into a 20′ x 20′ space, you will need to either buy 2 CAR CAMPING PASSES or a RV PASS. Each person must also purchase an individual weekend ticket. There are no electric or water hook-ups. Use generators only during daylight hours. Site selection is first come, first serve.

FIRE LIGHTS FESTIVAL is located about 90 miles from Cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh, and less than 300 miles from Detroit, Columbus, and Toronto. The closest airport is Erie. which is located less than 50 miles from the festival site.

What To Bring

  • A tent with stakes and rainfly
  • A tarp wet weather 
  • A rubber mallet to stake down your tent
  • Shade (10×10 pop up per four people)
  • Camp chairs
  • Decorative tapestries to hang from the side of the shade tent
  • Folding table
  • Headlamp 
  • Spare batteries 
  • Sleeping supplies (Blankets, Sleeping Bag, Tent, ETC.)
  • Big trash and recycling bags (separate trash and recycling as best a possible)
  • Cooler with ice. Ice will be for sale at the general store.
  • Washable or disposable eating/drinking utensils.
  • Clothing for cold or warm scenarios as well as rain. 
  • Sleep mask 
  • Earplugs 
  • Basic toiletries
  • Small first aid kit 
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Any prescription medications needed in the Rx bottle labelled with the name that matches your ID
  • Spare car keys 
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Phone and phone charging cord 
  • Cash 
  • Duct tape
  • Sunscreen
  • Yoga mat
  • Jumper cables 
  • Hula hoops or other flow-toys

Venue MAp